Saturday, January 31, 2009
Misconception of the Day: Minimum Wage
Raising the cost of hiring someone, doesn't make people pay those that they've hired more, it makes them fire people. It's not out of cruelty, it's out of the need to be sustainable, would you make lemonade and sell it on the side of an extreemly hot road for no pay? your whole life?
It also means that a company if less likely to hire 8 people, but instead only hire 5, and give the work load of 8 to 5 (or less) - in order to cut costs, workers have to do more.
Think of self-serve gas pumps, not all that long ago, they wern't self serve, mostly high school kids would take the job for about 2 dollars an hour (which would equate to a bit more than that now that our monetary system is so inflated), and they could do homework at the same time, as well as recieve tips.
When the "minimum wage" was created, forcing businesses to pay their workers at least 5 dollars, those jobs were eliminated.
It's difficult for a teenager to find a job that works with their hours, most jobs want someone more experienced, even Whole Foods only highers at 18.
This is what the minimum wage has done, is doing, to our country.
It's a myth that it's helpful, it doesn't raise pay, it eliminates jobs.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Our Constitution
Our constitution was written with the knowledge that societies are evolutionary systems, and that the purpose of writing a constitution wasn't to dictate laws and customs but to devise a concise foundation that laws and customs could evolve within. A constitution provides all people with certain expectations of experience, being that Liberty, Order, and Justice are respected by all written and unwritten laws.
The role of our constitution is to uphold the principles of Liberty, Order, and Justice. These three ideals put into practice provide the most freedom and prosperity to those living within them. Our consitution calls for a limited decentralized government, that it is to protect the constitutional principles and not change them for light and transient causes, thus. an amendment can only be made by a majority of the nation. The individuals working within the government are to be accountable for their actions and represent the concerns of the nations individuals.
Liberty allows for individuals to pursue their own interests (their own ends) purposefully. Order calls for individuals to give up certain freedoms in order to come to a higher sense of freedom, where all individuals can pursue their own interests. Finally, justice which dictates that all are created equal and have the right to pursue their interests with equality, though this does not infer that all peoples plans will have equal results.
Lastly and most important, what is needed for a constitution to serve its purpose of protecting such foundational rights, and because our laws and customs are evolutionary rather than static, we each have an obligation to be fully aware of the constitution and act accordingly to preserve the principles of our nation.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Further on Peace
Trade is dependent upon freedom.
Freedom is dependent upon economic and political freedoms.
Economic and political freedoms are dependent upon which role the government chooses to take.
The role government chooses to take, ought to be dictated by individuals that understand the principles of liberty.
We need more rebels and less revolutionaries.
We need new change not a circle of the same with diffrent faces to blame.
We need globalization, open borders, ethical-concious- capitalism, governments that protect only our liberties, we need true private property, competition in money and "public services" we need to privitize thereby instituting private incintive.
Freedom of our Natural Rights (Freedom to move, to trade, to own property) is the strongest protection against serfdom, creates the most wealth (not only monetary or phyisical)for the society as a whole, and creates peace.
Governments "providing" education, health care, this new idea of carczar, these are all things that re-allocate resources, in other words, taking resources from where they were formerly for "the greater good". The resources I am speaking of here are, tax money, time of the individuals working in these instritutions, and the resources of the entire human that is developing/acting within the institution. The issue with this occurance cannot as easily be backed up from an humanirtarian point of view, so one must take up the words of Liberty and a strong understanding of "that which is not seen" -Bastiat.
Government provisions, slow societies progress, think of the railroads during the industrial revolution era, the government lines were set down poorly and needed millions of dollars to opperate. The private lines were incredibly efficient because the risk of failure and the costs of production were on an individual or smaller group of individuals.
We must ask our selves, how were cars created in the first place? Freedom of innovation in the industrial revolution.
Why are so many of our cars today big gas guzzlers? Because Government regulations have put high embargos on foreign trade in the market area of Cars. Which has created incorrect signals, through prices, to the car industry for the actual demand that the consumers had for more gas efficiant, dollar saving, vehicles.
Eastern cars have had the answers for years.
Think, how much has our public education, over all, progressed these last 200 years?
Look at the Health Care in almost any other location in the world, save maybe Hong Kong, for the answers as to why socialized medicines fail our peoples. Examples in video form: Free Market Cure
The old idea that war brings us out of a depression is along with the same fallasy, this idea that redistribution of resources is beneficial to society.
Why have we spent so much time working on prosthetic limbs as such a large scale? Because of war. Why haven't we, instead, spent that time and effort on curing cancer (because believe it or not we are quite close I do believe), and, there is a private scientist who is discovering if she hasn't already discovered ways to stop a virus's mechanism of communication- why have we not invested more there?
Well that brings up another idea, why is the government subsidizing medicines, why are the costs of medical care and pharmosuticals so high?
Markets are self-correcting, markets clear. Prices are not set by the supplier, prices are determined by demand and are a reflection of relative scarcity.
So those are few thoughts floating around in my head.
I've got other things I must go do now.
Hope it inspires some questions for you.
Peace Through Commerce