Monday, August 17, 2009

Great Friends.

“What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but
what is woven into the lives of others." ~Pericles

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Peace Through Commerce

Voluntary trade, it makes violence unprofitable.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

"What Barack Obama Can Learn from FDR"

I recently bought and read a TIME megazine titled "What Barack Obama Can Learn from FDR" most of it honked the horn of big gov. and yet there was one article by a woman who is called: Amity Shlaes. She is writing a book (Amazon Link). Anyhow, at the end of the article she says something I really liked and thought I would share.

"That episode of American life (referring to the prolonged nature of the Great Depression) reminds us that even the best-intentioned government intervention can make things worse. And that when a politician remembers one forgotten man, he often creates another."

The forgotten man is in reference to a statement made by Roosevelt who was referencing the people that were the cause of much of the legislation that prolonged the great depression, such as senior citzens(social security) and the laborers(minimum wage law- outpriced the less skilled).

Friday, July 10, 2009

Cap-and-Trade. Yet again, infringing on my rights Uncle Sam?!

Online Petition It's not worded as I would word it, but it is a petition against the bill, sign it if you know what is Good.

Also, the title is a link- click it.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Free Society

Ludwig von Mises: "The characteristic feature of a free society is that it can function in spite of the fact that its members disagree in many judgments of value." - Theory and History

Fiattale of the U.S. Dollar

The Silver Bear Cafe: "'Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value - zero.' (Voltaire, 1694-1778)"

"The next-day, on June 2nd, Fed chief Benjamin Bernanke, boxed into a tight corner by Beijing’s saber rattling, warned the US-Congress that there is a limit to how many US-dollars the central bank can print. “Unless we demonstrate a strong commitment to fiscal sustainability in the longer term, we will have neither financial stability nor healthy economic growth,” Bernanke warned US-lawmakers. "

"...the Fed shocked the global markets on March 18th, by unleashing the “nuclear option” for monetary policy - “QE,” or printing an extra $1.1-trillion US-dollars, in order to buy US T-Notes and mortgage backed bonds..." (Kitco)

Defining inflation: Inflation is an increase in the supply of money, raising prices are amung the results of inflation, not the causes of.

Inflation of the money supply is a real issue, we've got our back to the issue but ignoring the problem doesn't solve it. We've printed trillions
in the past few months, don't pretend that doesn't change anything. It devalues every dollar in your pocket, in your money jar, in your back account. It strips you of purchasing power. Inflation is the crueslest taxation. LESS THAN 50% OF THE U.S. MONETARY BASE IS IN CIRCULATION - we're in the belly of a whale, and until we make the decision to do what is right things are going to continue to worsen.

Current Coinage

My suggestion: invest in things of worth. Silver is a good investment. Don't listen to your bedtime fairytales of government promises and prosperity, discover reality.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Small Business Against Big Government

Small Business Against Big Government (SBABG) is a non-partisan, grassroots coalition of small business owners and employees who take upon themselves the responsibility to oppose Big Government and inform friends and co-workers about how Big Government hurts them.

Read the mission statement:
Follow along at twitter:
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Monday, June 22, 2009

Twitter adjusts for Iran & Obama introduces more facism

Down Time Rescheduled
A critical network upgrade must be performed to ensure continued operation of Twitter. In coordination with Twitter, our network host had planned this upgrade for tonight. However, our network partners at NTT America recognize the role Twitter is currently playing as an important communication tool in Iran. Tonight's planned maintenance has been rescheduled to tomorrow between 2-3p PST (1:30a in Iran).

Our partners are taking a huge risk not just for Twitter but also the other services they support worldwide—we commend them for being flexible in what is essentially an inflexible situation. We chose NTT America Enterprise Hosting Services early last year specifically because of their impeccable history of reliability and global perspective. Today's decision and actions continue to prove why NTT America is such a powerful partner for Twitter.

Down Time Rescheduled

Danger Room Reports

Tehran Live

American Issues:

and this:

and many other things.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

This isn't a joke.

Friday, June 19, 2009


This website has been banned by the Iranian Government.

"P.S 2: This website is banned in Iran by goverment since 3 hours ago."

"Iranian protestors to 2009 Presidental election results, had a “silent demonstration” at the 5th day of protests.
They moved from 7tir square to Enqelab square. The protestors want to revoke this elections."

no time.

Thursday, June 18, 2009



Wednesday, June 17, 2009



Sunday, June 14, 2009

John Hoskins' on what it is to live or die.

Of The Loss Of Time

"If life be time that here is lent,
And time on earth be cast away,
Whoso his time hath here misspent,
Hath hastened his own dying day;
So it doth prove a killing crime
To massacre our living time.

If doing naught be like to death,
Of him that doth, chameleon-wise
Take only pains to draw his breath,
The passers-by may pasquilize,
Not, here he lives: but, here, he dies."


Saturday, June 13, 2009

oh how beautiful and marvelous you really are.

oh how beautiful and marvelous you really are.

And if there is any question in your mind about to whom I am writing, it is really you.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Love and "Blindness"

How uncomfortable, how uncomforting to love another when your love is asked to be shared not but under and as the waning moon. You stand before me as a receeding wave, that entices with beauty and danger, an adventure that beckons and refrains that runs and crashes and sings.

I see my breath color the sky, cloud my eyes. I turn into an infant of immortality, possessing, beyond my matter, a love that stretches out to infinity. I exist blind to that which others take to be truth but is naught but a lie. But then in moments I lay in a lack of clarity- suddenly I can then see, that which is not there to see, and it hurts me, the me that wills to exist hurting. The beauty shines not in joy but in painful jest I lay mocked, Milton's words pressing hard against my tounge "jealousy is the injured lovers hell," willing me to speak that which is illusion, to be self-fufilled in dependency.

My feet grow roots which sink sink sink down and become strong. I wipe the growth away as it dissenigrates at my touch. And again I lay claim to blindness, a blindness more awakened than that of those whom profess to see.

Monday, June 8, 2009

"In the end, the market wins."

Texas Straight Talk

reference to GM: where the headquarters will be and what kinds of cars they will make.

"the promise that this is temporatry and will eventually be profitable is supposed to easy the American people into accepting this arrangement"

this shouldn't be comforting....think about what has happened to Amtrack.

General Motors is a private company getting government money.
The market's information about the demand for GM's services, instead of being headed and allowing GM to disband, sending out laborers to generate things we may now never know, we are now using our own money to support an undesired business. This is ridiculous and destructive.

All things in life are done with risk, allow things to work out naturally or you're simply ignoring the truth and developing longer term issues.

The purpose of Government is to uphold the Law, the purpose of Law is to protect our natural rights of Life, Liberty, and Property. These three things are interdependent...meaning when you restrict one you are restricting the others. Our government is perverting the law, making choices about our property, retracting our liberties, and infringing on our ability to live life according to our own interests.

Our own interests when pursued without the aid of force, often lead us to trade, trade is voluntary making it mutualistic, meaning beneficial to both parties. Because who would trade if they didn't value the trade?

Force is bad, on the small level and the large level.

"In the end, the market wins."


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What is love?

I want to take the car, a guitar, a blanket and go out into the country. I want to look at the stars through a telescope and blow bubbles into the wind, off a cliff over hanging a moon-lit ocean. I want to feel more alive than I've ever felt. I want to drink a book, and feel the knowledge make my bones grow stronger. I want to whisper without words, and have you understand. I want to love unconditionally even more than I already know how to do. I want to never forgive, because I want to never feel the pain that makes forgiveness necessary. I want to press my hand against that invisible substance I can call you.

Can love be something more than an enjoyment of how someone makes you feel?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Torture, what does it really achieve?

I state that fear and pain are not great in the face of truth.

This statement, if taken to be true, can allow one to see that the fear of being wrong deminishes into -risk taking- rather than destructive behavior. When one knows that anything they 'know' could be proven wrong, yet they persist in their current understanding until proven otherwise, they are taking a risk. This very risk allows them to act and learn.

When this process- of the development of an understanding- is not recognized, then being wrong or right develops negatively into an environment that allows for polorazied communication, where neither party feels able/willing to assume (an awareness of) the (inherent) risk in knowing. This lack of awareness of the nature of "understanding" makes way for destructive behavior, seemingly excusing all violent acts in the name of truth. _when conflct is seen as violence, then violence is justified in "solving" conflict._ (paraphrasing Arnett).

When the goal of interaction is to procure some higher understanding, presumably truth - one can, see that communication must be a process of genuine listening, with the intention of understanding, not with the intention of deriving some predetermined type of information.

Primateively, one can see how another could be viewed as merely a means to an end, yet this definition of the purpose of the other doesn't seem to be sufficient.

I see conflict as an indicator of something to be discovered, allowing this "other" to not only help discover something to be explored, but to see them as useful in the discovery.

Inherent in seeing another as a means, you are expressing that they have something needed, and thus that _they_ are needed. (Though, I can see how this feels slightly empty. Is there something... beyond the fact that we have the ability to evolve constantly, making us communicators/learners... that could make us intrinsically valuable?)

We, as humans, seem to desire confirmation from others- whether this desire is logical or not I do not know. In the desire for the confirmation of our person as needed/valued we, likely, must feel the confirmation logically and emotionally. We desire to be understood.

I can see that -torture- can be "useful" in getting facts from someone through force, facts such as, a date that someone was shot, etcetera. But not only does torture deny the other any confirmation, the torture is imposed with the intention of deriving specific types of information. So even the "facts" discovered may be uncovered under incorrect pretenses, the context may be completely skewed, leaving the confessor in a position where they have given truths amidst falsity. This isn't communication.

(Why should facts have to be derived from someone by force? The need for the force itself implies a larger communication issue.)

Torture sees the other as a means to an end, the end being information, but does not allow for the other to develop a new understanding. Communication does not ensue through torture, rather it seems to instill an even stronger sense of objectification in both parties participating.

I'm inclined to say that force is never justified. (Though I think I am also willing, somewhat confusidely, to say that if my brothers life were in danger I would likely use force, and many different means I found necessary to remove him from the danger.)

I feel that all of these issues that would seem to preclude the "need" for torture,for the justification of violence, there lays a deep issue relating to the way we view truth, and thus the way we view others.

I see that facts and "truths" that are derived from someone forcibly, are subpar to true communication where both are in a position to --peacefully-- gain a new understanding.

The example of the man who recieved cookies, demonstrates all of this perfectly.
Yeah maybe it is rediculous that we feel, or maybe that is what makes all of this life worth living.
But we as humans, we do feel, and we care, and we are imperfect, living in a world of knowledge scarcirty.
Because of this, I see torture as only mans sick excuse to procure information that could be achieved in another fashion, another fashion that would have allowed both parties the potential for a new understanding

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009

Infinite Potentials

"Everybody has a secret world inside of them. All of the people of the world, I mean everybody. No matter how dull and boring they are on the outside, inside them they've all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds. Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands maybe." ~Neil Gaiman


Friday, May 15, 2009

Real problems in Guatemala

For clarification, Banrural is Guatemala's largest bank, which this man is claiming supports ghost projects. A bank that the president and his cronies use to launder resources.

He's calling for the Guatemalan people to stand up against what they know is already true, instead of living in fear of taking action. The fear of taking action against the wrong doings that are occurring, is allowing for people to be murdered "when they stop being useful, in a deal between thieves."

"Crackdown Begins in Guatemala
A Twitter user was arrested today in Guatemala, as thousands of people took to the streets for the third consecutive day, calling for President Alvaro Colom to step down. Mr. Colom, his wife, and his private secretary are accused of orchestrating the murder of a whistleblower attorney. The lawyer, Rodrigo Rosenberg, was murdered near his Guatemala City home on Sunday. He left behind a video in which he accuses the president and his lackeys of using a state-owned bank to launder money and defraud taxpayers. Twitter user “Jeanfer” wrote a post on Tuesday suggesting that people who have money in that bank should withdraw it, in order to drain the resources of the corrupt mafia. He was arrested during a police raid of his home on charges of “inciting financial panic.” His arrest has sparked another form of protest among those who fear this is the beginning of a crackdown on freedom of speech in the country: they are retwitting Jeanfer’s post." (

Facebook group with more information and public accounts in the comment sections

I feel that America needs to stop interfering with other's business because the USA is not a clean country either, we're increasingly socialist and interventionalist.

I feel that by including the USA in the issues, things could actually worsen, as maybe they try to "export" democracy etc. hardly any of the guys up there in the top understand sound economics, they will make larger problems.

I'm not sure how to take action to help

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Trust comes with great risk. When you trust another for anything, you are allowing someone else to have a part of something valuable, you are incurring the potential for incurring a cost that you don't want to incur. Whether it be linguistic or monetary, you are trusting wealth in someone else.

Trust, and be trust worthy.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Why Do We Live, or rather, Why Do We Care?

Why do people want to learn, even if they see that they don't understand, why do they care?

Once they are aware of what it means to not act,once they realize "that those who are served are limited in their freedom," then they see the consequences of their action is that they lose their freedom. But ...who cares? They're just dependent, someone else will take care of them: think for them, develop for them, their understanding, take care of their needs for food etc.

But we know that we live in a world of relative scarcity. Do the same consequences of the loss of freedom of property occur with intellectual property?

Yeah progress slows, stops, we become inert, do we feel purposeless? Do we begin to hate ourselves? Why? If we do, then we feel unease with not living purposefully and we choose to take action, to learn, to explore- to share, to live dynamically.
Do we prefer the patterned state, between stillness and insanity? Why?

Is it all a part of reproduction? Does the desire to learn and progress, have to do with the ability to survive? and is intellect, beyond the ability to make shelter and get food, a deciding factor in reproduction? Is the exploration of ideas and truth a desire to know more in order to make life easier? To make time usage more efficient? In order to better make shelter and get food and enjoy living. Or to make life more meaningful, but I don't see how. Why do we live? Why!?

Why do we value solving conflict peacefully? If the only reason to do so is to respect others, and to learn from the conflict? What if we do not care about learning? Can we not care? Some people express a lack of concern for ideas, how can they do that? Why do we shy from the difficult? Why do we detest stagnation? Is it, once again, only out of a will to survive?

Wondering what it means to be human, trying to figure out why, or if, we value learning. I do not understand the root drive for progress. Do we just feel meaningless while inert? Do we as humans prefer dynamic interaction? But maybe these questions can’t be answered, I can’t explain why we live, why we desire, I can’t say why we love or question. It’s simply because we’re human. So I guess my job is to express how I see those things supported. But how do I know those things are there, and is that a question I need to even ask? I feel those things, I am human, so do all humans feel those things? Sometimes I don’t feel the drive. What makes us uneasy with being wrong? Why do we fear being wrong? More questions that I’m not sure I could ever answer.

Why would we care if all things were predetermined, only because that would mean that our actions may not actually achieve our idea of a preferred state?

If you don't give life meaning, then life is meaningless. How is it that we give life meaning? Why must we give life meaning? If it is given by us, and exists only because we exist, then blah, all of our actions, are, so strange. and it comes down to

Do we live because we do not know what it means to die? Why do we live with a purpose if we do not know what comes next? Do we act and learn and share, live “peacefully” only out of a desire to feel accomplished and good? Does that feeling of accomplishment stem from a love for others?

And here is where, if I did not choose to recognize that I am human and do have desires that are meaningful because I make them so, and that I do affect those around me, then I could shoot myself, but even to die is a desire to not live, it is a trap we as humans live in, a trap of self-determined meaning.

Even by asking these questions I am expressing that which I do not understand.
You see what I mean?
The very fact that I ask, implies that I find a purpose to asking.
Is that because I fear inertia and death as a consequence of not reproducing, or because I find life meaningful in that I am generating something that would not be here if I were not here?

If we understand the will to reproduce and survive then mustnt we above that cognatively?

Some how there is something there, our ability to give life meaning, is what makes life more than chemical, this element of choice and rationality, above the will to survive, this love for others, and meaning found in interaction, or in gazing at the sky with another.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A taste of emergent truth. A more complete experience of this will soon be available.

"For here we are not afraid to follow truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it." —Thomas Jefferson.

While scanning through a book called Dwell in Peace, Applying Nonviolence to Everyday Relationships, by Ronald Arnett, I found segment of text asking the question of what was needed for an individual to “accept a nonviolent peacemaking position” (33). Arnett says that maintaining the peacemaking position cannot rely solely upon the effectiveness of the peaceful efforts made, and that “for many nonviolent peacemakers truthfulness, not effectiveness, is the primary criterion” (34).
Because of this view, Arnett then begins to write about the three different ways to view truth, the dogmatic or absolutist, the relativistic, and the “emergent conception of truth” (35). Mahatma Gandhi, who spent his life trying to discover the best nonviolent means, is said to have been a proponent of the “emergent conception of truth.” Gandhi’s stance on truth “required him to immerse himself in dialogue with the situation, in order to apprehend the truth that emerged ‘between’ him and the situation” (35).
Maurice Friedman, a professor, expanded the language used to define emergent truth, bringing forth the term “touchstone” reality, which “means that an individual will probably not remain forever on the same ground that affirms a truth; a person is open to new understandings of truth” (36). The main importance, Gandhi points out, is that you can be on the wrong path seeking truth, and thus, as Arnett paraphrased, you must “live a double action of commitment and openness to new revelations or touchstones of reality” (37). This view of truth, where each individual stands strongly and as clearly as possible on their touchstone until realizing their own mistake, is a view that allows all to use their own understandings with comfort, and makes people willing to engage in dialogue, a view that makes each individual responsible to be clear thinking and willing to learn.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

"I have one of the best jobs in the world. Because I don't have to fix the economy, thank goodness."- Mrs. Obama

"I have one of the best jobs in the world. Because I don't have to fix the economy, thank goodness. Yet I get to go say hello to the people who make this government work, who hold us up and who will still be here after we're gone," she said.

That's Mrs. Obama.

So here I go:

"fix the economy", with a wratchet?
Obviously his expression of fixing the economy is almost just like that. The wratchet on government growth- that of its interference, and influence, is turning steadiily. Once again like a slowly heating pot of water- slowly is how it must be done, if one is to successfully boil a living frog.

Thank goodness the responsibility and pressure to "fix the economy" is not on "my" shoulders. What does she think the economy is, some nebulous thing that is like humpty dumpty, or that needs to go to the doctor for fixing?

Pills/Sedatives our Economy NEEDS TO TAKE:
2 trillion dollar tax increase
1.7 trillion dollar deficit

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax Day Tea Party

If you click on the photograph, it will show up larger in another window.

Ludwig von Mises: "Chauvinism has not begotten nationalism. Its chief function in the scheme of nationalist policies is to adorn the shows and festivals of nationalism. People overflow with joy and pride when the official speakers hail them as the elite of mankind and praise the immortal deeds of their ancestors and the invincibility of their armed forces. But when the words fade away and the celebration reaches its end, people return home and go to bed. They do not mount the battlehorse." - Omnipotent Government


I regret not getting a photo of this man's brother's shirt it read something similar to, "I fought in Iraq for their freedoms and came back to lose mine."

According to my Congressmen Culberson, who attended today- there was an estimated 7,500 people at Houston's downtown tea party. Here are some mentionable signs.

I'd also like to acknowledge that mans' stach, it's beautiful.

Marcattack- Infinite Possibility.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Being taxed to pay for this.

Our taxes are getting us this:

Monday, April 13, 2009


Fox Forum
"Washington’s continued mishandling of the economic crisis has disquieted the electorate. The bad economic numbers, the precipitous decline in the stock market, the dramatic increase in government spending and the tax increases lying just over the horizon paint a picture of an out-of-control federal government grasping at straws in the search for solutions."

Taxday Coalition Site
Houston Tea Party Society

Tax day is the 15th, this Wednesday of April, the month the mosquitos come out, in more venues than one. But this year, there's something else going on, people are standing up against what they are being taxed for. Find your city, discover some Truth about the market! :) It's fun, it's invigorating to seek for Truth, to really work towards an understanding of how reality works, and what makes the most wealth for the most people, keeping in mind that wealth is not only money.

Here's an opposing view: Right here by, Tina Dupoy
I'm not going to respond to all parts of her article but there are a few detials I'll point out.

"You've been pushed around by Obama for too long - nearly 80 whole days. You poor long suffering muted people."

It's not about Obama, the figurehead,, it's not about who is in power, its about what they are doing with their given powers (GIVEN MEANING IT CAN BE TAKEN)- Obama isn't the key of the problem, the issues that this Tea Party is speaking out about, is foundational to this country, these concerns go back all the way back to our founding fathers and their sociatal environment in the Federalist, Anti-Federalist debates. And according to Dupoy, they "...weren't hotheads. They didn't just 'get mad' and usurp a king's authority. They had real grievances, real ideals, real leaders and a really brutal, bloody struggle." This, that we are stading up about, is exactly what the anti-feds feared, they feared that the General Welfare Clause, would do just this. Brutus (the pseudoynm the Anti-Federalists used, in opposition to Publious of the Federalists, in the New York Journal, examined this power of Congress and reponded.

That this clause authorizes congress "to do anything which in their judgment will tend to provide for the general welfare, and this amounts to the same thing as general and unlimited legislation in all cases...." That the power to tax is unsound because "there is no limitation on this power." "This power therefore is neither more nor less than a power to lay and collect taxes, imposts, and excises, at their pleasure."(Creidt to McClellan, author of Liberty, Order, and Justice An Introduction to the Constitutional Principles of American Government, for the reprinting of this information on pages 389-390.)

Yes the intentions may be good, they may really believe that it is for the benfit of the general welfare, but it isn't their place, and I don't know what kind of mastermind they obviously posses in order to know anything of the sort. The concept of "greatest good" dumb founds me, think about what is not seen, how can they POSSIBLY know that, and enforce it?

Tina says, "The Boston Tea Party was standing up to tyranny after years of neglect. Not standing up to being mad that your candidate didn't win. The tea was a symbol of the tone deafness and arrogance of King George. Everyone knew Englishmen (which the colonist were) could never live without tea, so British Parliament imposed a huge tax on it. So instead of Liptons being thrown into various bodies of water around this country - the symbolic equivalent would be cutting up your credit cards. Credit card companies are taxing Americans with no representation - but they know that Americans can't live without them. So where's that mutiny?"

We're standing up to a system that has been becoming more tyrannical almost from he get go. Yeah.....tone deafness? It's possible that this countries "leaders" do not have even the leiway to plead tone deafness, atleast King Georege was ACROSS THE SEA. CREDIT CARD COMPANIES ARE PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS, AND THEY CAN BE CUT UP WITHOUT YOU GOING TO JAIL FOR IT. On the way side, I do not use a Credit Card.

I particualrily enjoyed a comment made by an individual by the name of Paula Cassin:
"I'm going to a Tea Party because I do think it's gone too far in terms of goverment having the 'solution' to all our problems. Bush and the Republicans were just as bad as Obama and the Dems if not more so - at least the Democrats tell us what they stand for, while Republicans talk about individual liberty and limited government but do the opposite.
I'm going to a tea party to take a stand for the private sector (non-profit and profit alike) and a free market system with sound government regulations ensuring fair honest trade can take place, rather than a market full of subsidies, industry favoritism, social engineering, fixed pricing and massive regulatory burdens that drive small/med business out and stifle innvation."

And annother bit by Brent Burk- "The Federal Reserve prints trillions upon trillions of dollars out of thin air, creating an inflation tax, which is, in fact, taxation without representation."

This is true, inflation is one of the cruelest forms of tax.

This Tea- Party isanti-using-our-tax-money-because-you-think-you-know-what-you're-doing-and-its-based-on-keynesian-'theory'-which-isn't-based-in-reality-and-can-only-be-our-undoing.

ALSO! hahah I found this incredible:
"It appears as though the US borders do not represent a boundary around those frustrated with Government spending and extreme regulation. The Tea Party protests have now gone international.

Where? By midten in Vaerloese, Denmark. (Town Square)
Time: 1700 - 1800
Contact: Claus Ron Dellgren ("

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Personal Matters and a Victory for FREEDOM.

John Lennon and Yoko Ono's recordings, off Double Fantasy.

Now to the victory!

"The uproar revolves around a report released last month by the Missouri Information Analysis Center, a "fusion center" for local, state and federal law enforcement agencies to collaborate on domestic security issues. The report concerned militia movements in Missouri and across the U.S., and described how they had evolved over the last several years."

"the Missouri Highway Patrol officially retracted the entire offending document"(Previous blong on the subject)

The Missouri Highway Patrol will be performing an investigation into the origin of the report. Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder has even called for the suspension of the Director of Public Safety until those responsible have been identified.

This is inspiring. This is what it takes to keep our freedom. There are so many groups calling for single payer healthcare, for unifomity. We cannot go without trying to educate on that which is true. Use persuasion, never force, for force is precisely the reason that we have troubles in the country right now, not the lack of it.

Here's an example of a bill that is trying to be passed currently : a call for standardization

Don't let this country slide.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

London Liberty is falling down my fair lady.

London liberty is falling down,
falling down, falling down.
London liberty is falling down- we're not far behind.
oh right.
ring around the rosey, pocket full of posey,
ashes ashes- we all fall down.

UK has new pending/inacted social laws- aka. curfews- so what? you say, we have em too, yeah.... we do.

This is a post of excerpts, along with some of my personal commentary- bringing the info right to your eyes, got it all down, ask em- you curious?

DON'T GET CAUGHT READING(that'll be next- 'good idea skippy!')!

In particular I think that reading the responces on the page can be incredibly beneficial. Here's one I found to be particuarly interesting.

#8 posted by Takuan , March 21, 2009 1:42 AM
is there some way that the logical culmination of this can be headed off? Every indication in the press shows Britain heading for a summer of rage - and every action by the government seems calculated to incite this. It's obvious they want violence so they can have some killings and thereby justify even more heavy-handed repression. When will it be enough for them? Even now, someone is walking and breathing and slated for execution by police bullet or club in a few months time. This is like watching a slow motion car wreck and being helpless to stop the planned and inevitable. What kind of people can be party to this?

This is an important point, a failed justification of curfew? yes.- and still, an INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT POINT.

Statement: #24 posted by Shukketsushi , March 21, 2009 3:34 AM
well in the US kids under 18 have a curfew of like around 11 thats changes from town to town. 9 is def too early but i mean those are kids that go to school so what are they gunna be doing out at midnight anyway. i dont think of this law as being a big deal seeing as towns in the US have similar laws and its only for kids. its not like they have to be home. just not hanging out in the streets.

Responce: Who's to define too early? Who's to define the greater good- what the hell is that anyways? The law's not a bit deal because BECAUSE the US has similar laws? Bad reason for it to not be a big deal. What if it weren't only for kids? Oh you're right, if kids ARE going to be violent and bloody- let them do it in more private places- jeez we don't want to see the drugs, sex, and violence.

#53 posted by MadFist , March 21, 2009 8:07 AM
This is NEW to London?!? Hell, I live in Norman, Oklahoma and can remember requiring special permission to go to the Rocky Horror Picture Show at Midnight. . . 25 years ago!

We can only wonder what happens next: To quote a fellow, quoting HP.
"Educational Decree No. 98: Those wishing to join the Inquisitorial Squad for extra credit may sign up in the High Inquisitor's Office..." -- Imelda Staunton as the voice of "Dolores Jane Umbridge in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Here's one thing that's going on- one more little tiny thing- one step towards making crackdown easy. Like boiling a frog slowly, if you do it carefully enough it won't notice, ever, especially because it explodes.potential for stripping away the right to photograph in public

Can't help but make you think of a poem often cited in situations similiar to this (I urge you to go back and read my post regarding fear- it is not as comprehensive as I would like it to be- but it's something that ought to be known. OldFebBlog "the jacket may not seem too tight now but if you do not fight now, someday it maybe a fight just to breathe")

"Why is Free Speech so important?...Why speak up about things that don't seem to affect you?"
Then they came for me,
and by that time there was no one
left to speak up for me.

A further point made by an Austrailian individual (not that locality is important or decisive about anything)- this law is not only action against kids out past nine, it's a doorway to attack further liberties.

#26 posted by Joe in Australia , March 21, 2009 3:48 AM
It's not a curfew for under-16s. Well it is, but it's more than that.

Here's the relevant legislation: Part 4 Dispersal of groups etc.
30 Dispersal of groups and removal of persons under 16 to their place of residence

It's got two parts. One provides for a curfew for under-16s. One provides for the dispersal of groups. The groups need not, as far as I can see, be comprised of people under 16. You might have, let's say, a married couple in their forties walking down the street. A constable (police officer) or a "community support officer" (not a police officer, but they get to wear a uniform) hears the couple arguing and tells them to:
1) Disperse immediately (that is, separate and don't get back together);
2) Leave the area;
3) Keep out of the area for 24 hours.

It seems to me that the constable or community support officer will have acted quite legally.

The test is whether the C-or-CSO has "reasonable grounds" [...]

Someone approaches a C-or-CSO and says "Officer, that black man over there scares me. What's he doing in my neighbourhood. We're decent people, we are, we don't need the likes of him hanging around." Now, in a better world the police officer would say "I'm sorry, I can't arrest someone just on the vicious xenophobic rantings of an idiot like yourself, sir." With the help of the Act, this has changed. As long as the man in question is part of a "group" - that is, two or more people - the C-or-CSO can tell that man (and not necessarily any other members of his group) to leave the area for up to 24 hours. And it seems to me that the officer will be acting entirely lawfully, because the fact that the person "alarmed or distressed" is a total nutter doesn't change the fact that a subjective feeling is sufficient to trigger the Act.

"#33 posted by chipy , March 21, 2009 5:30 AM
So, no fun flash mobs - no political demonstrations, no meeting of two or more people for whatever reason. There are a number of Embassies and "public squares" in this area. [...]."

An important note to make, an important question to ask is- why are these kids doing bad stuff, seems to me that the problem stems else where from an injustice to the Liberty that the people of this world deserve.

"#37 posted by Anonymous , March 21, 2009 6:05 AM
Hey England, between your ubiquitous security cameras, your draconian civil rights laws, your antiquated (powerless) monarchy, and your police-state mentality, you let us know how well your little experiment with fascism goes, maybe you'll get lucky, cause you know noone elses fascist state has failed or anything..."

What ever happened to freedom of movement and assembly- what is this New Facist America, I mean.... Old Germany?
You're going to argue that the state has restrictions on other societal funtions- like drivers licenses, etc etc. well, "Should the state consider those under-18[anyone] as second-class citizens?" It's not the function of government to have all of these regulations- it is against all that is good, in government.

The following is a correspondence unrelated to me:
A: Should we allow groups of unsupervised 10 year-olds out on the streets at 3am? Where do YOU draw the line, or do you think that there should be no line at all.

Q: Who is the "we" in that question? Do you mean the state, or the parents? Or do you fancy yourself the parent of other people's kids?

and then we realize
"#93 posted by Drowse , March 21, 2009 12:38 PM
Dallas is considering a day-time curfew to try to stamp out truancy rates.
I don't think its an effective measure, just make school more appealing to people."

Not only is this just an example of the same kinds of laws that are continuously passed but, it's bs to solving the issues.

So- the real message here, isn't just that the government is trying to fix a problem though inefficient liberty ridding soulutions- it is that the Government is completely out of line, stop it.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Update on the Missiouri Conflict/ The state of the US Glenn Beck and Ron Paul

Here again are the charges:
"The Modern Militia Movement"

To those who disagree with the United Nations, the FED, the Income tax, the FBI... to those who show support for Ron Paul, who openly support the constitution- to name a few, you are all under suspician for terrorist motives, basically...for openly supporting liberty.

Here is an article written by Anthony Gregory
Responce and Information about what is going on.

Glenn Beck- Ron Paul Interview on the issue/the issues in this nation right now
Inflation, discrimination, bailouts, etc. It's a good interview

"I think they are going to destroy the dollar[...]there's no way in the world that you can create these trillions of dollars[...]and soon[...]what is going to happen when people dump the dollar?"- Ron Paul.

"It's the begining of the's the death spiral" -Glenn paraphrasing/quoting some economists.

Interview/ Glenn Beck-Ron Paul/ and some featured articles

Philip Pullman on Liberty; What is needed to sustain a living and waking nation?
Philip Pullman (for those of you unawares- he wrote the 'His Dark Materials Triliogy).
This is a rather wonderful wonderful speech.

"Joy cannot flourish in the garden of anxiety." -Pullman

On with his strain about the Coal mines- when he says economic intrests, I think he's critiquing freedom of choice with regard to how you produce. That question, is super important, the question of who's role it is to raise the costs of using methods of production that are potentially harmful to the environment- but further, who's to decide that which is harmful?

He's saying that we shouldn't produce with methods that have a short term pay off when there are other "more important intrests". How does he define that, is it the state who defines it, or the people?
He says that in a good state the coal mine type of thing couldn't occur, wouldn't be allowed to occur.
so..seems that he's implying that the state defines that which is harmful. That is somehow magically knows.

I think the way he critiques 'capitalism' you may say, is really a good critique on centralized planning- looking only at certian aspects of something and it's consequences- what he doesn't express as clearly is that we can't know all the consequences, and that is one reason why centralized planning is often more destructive than helpful.

Though the rest of his speech is partial to freedom, this part is shady to me.

- Not only is it 'shady' I think he disproves the idea that it's the governments proper role to 'force' choice- I think he provides a good example in his story of the -livingroom in the road- that persuasion, privately, is often more effective, and productive, than government force.

And that what is needed for private persuasion to be effective, is an active, inquisitive, courageous (all the rest the wonderful things that you have to watch to findout !) how exciting.
(Further credit to C.Crawford for finding this somewhere.)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

xkcd. and Don Quixote.


What I always think of, when driving through new mexico.
I once stared, half awake, out of the window in the deep of night and saw this giant looming white thing and instantly felt like Don Quixote.

I half mumbled something to an old close friend of mine's mother about how I felt like DQ and then stared intently into the blurry distance, and close fields at the looming white spinning molds. I didn't have my glasses on, guess I needed them that night.

It's a really fun memory to have but at the time my brain was like "it's okay just go back to sleep" kind of creeped.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

10th Ammendment. Now, we're blowing more air into the bubble, more water into the bucket.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
- 10th Ammendment.

f the increasing power of the federal government, oh this stimulous and loss of soverignty.

Idaho state rep. speaks out

"The federal government is living beyond the scope that the Constitution grants it and states should put it on notice," Bright said. "I haven't been pleased for some time with what the federal government gets involved in, but it came to a head with the stimulus bill."- Republican rep. Lee Bright


State Sovereignty Resolutions- Find your state, or what's goin down
"[...]central location to stay up to date with state sovereignty bills."

Hey Texans: Bill HCR50
Status:In commity.
Subjects: Intergovernmental Relations (I0447)
Resolutions--Legislative Policy (I0685)
Resolutions--Memorializing Congress (I0675)
Caption Text: "Affirming that the State of Texas claims sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to cease and desist certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed."

Stossel and the Bailout
"the more the government does, the more the private sector waits"

blowing more air into the bubble, more water into the bucket.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The love of liberty is the love of others...

The love of liberty is the love of others...
~William Hazlitt

A society that does not recognise that each individual has values of his own which he is entitled to follow can have no respect for the dignity of the individual and cannot really know freedom.
~Friedrich Hayek

Mankind is at its best when it is most free. This will be clear if we grasp the principle of liberty. We must recall that the basic principle is freedom of choice, which saying many have on their lips but few in their minds.
~Dante Alighieri

The worst thing that can happen to a good cause is not to be skillfully attacked, but to be ineptly defended.
~Frederic Bastiat

Credit of accomplilation to Rachel Dvsn.


Incredibly interesting.

"To attack human reason, is to attack human life itself."


Oh hey reader, I found something for you to do.

Petition to Audit the Fed- to make them very explicit about how/where/when they are spending and making money.

"With Congress spending like never before, and TRILLIONS of new dollars flying off the printing presses, it’s never been more important to expose the Federal Reserve System to the American people once and for all."

Oh hey reader, look! I found something for you to do.

On a funny side note, while typing fed, I accidentally typed Red- I think that's appropriate. =0

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Music and Sleepy Logic.

I realize that not all of my posts are obviously geared to instigating questions so I wanted to be clear. I am expressing a mind set, an awareness- this awareness for the need for freedom comes through several mediums.

I am here to express what freedom can accomplish. Even when progressive action is greatly hindered, it breaks through the paint as much as possible to express the potential of humankind.

All things show us, when looked upon closely, the inexplicable aspects of nature. The unpredictability is what often brings us progress. Think of Rosa Parks, through living her Truth, and coupled with others who were willing to stand for something they percieved to be necessariy in allowing the most people freedom, they made drastic advances in human consciousness.

Erik Mongrain, Guitar Music

We all make a difference when we fight for freedom, because freedom allows for the most opinions of what Truth is.

On an important side note: Here I do mean to infer that because we all have a subjective experience of Truth, that Truth is subjective. If Truth were subjective there would be no right, nor wrong, and Hitler's actions and Ghandi's actions would be equal in essence. Possibly, that which is Truth, is that which allows for the most freedom. If perhaps, I were to propose that Truth is only subjective and that we act in order to better ourselves, and come to a deeper understanding of what we think Truth is. (Accepting the fact that “what Truth is” is whatever I decide that it is, and that then it IS.) I still see the inherent need to explore (in order to find this deeper understanding, which is constantly expanding with each new experience). I would still say that the separate Truth that people come to could potentially by necessity of the nature of the search for Truth, allow for the most freedom for all. Yet, this process would take much longer and be much more painful, because of the very fact that, subjective Truth justifies all action, and potentially individuals would cease to understand our interconnectedness in the search for what we think to be Good, being so concentrated on a particular view, they would cease to be open to learn, and therefore, being in their state of static understanding, they would perhaps no longer be meaningful individuals, nor individuals allowing for the most freedom of thought/action, unless their meaning is now found only in the conversion of others. This mindset, I have shakily expressed, could be what sparks, initially someone to think, yet then supports them to become static, and tyrannistic. We take our initial claim that Truth is subjective, coupled with an awareness that we can only ever know that we are right, and we cease to search, only to convert. When the society becomes one that is motivated by the will to convert others, then we cease to be what we once were, inquisitive, and therefore, we seem to inherent the mindset that justifies all action. Of course, we all have subjective experience, that is the nature of being human, therefore what is necessary to realize is that, there is a common Truth, that of freedom, and that we may believe as we like, but that it does not make us right, nor wrong therefore we must always respect others ability to seek Truth, and also as humans, never cease to seek, lest we turn into individual’s whom find meaning merely in conversion, or into individuals who believe that Truth can only be subjective and that there is no collective standard that we are seeking. Maybe as I posited before, Truth is that which allows for all to exist diversly, and that standard which we are seeking, is just that.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A day, in reality, escape or enhancement?

I was walking down the sidewalk, looking at the wind playing with the trees, the sun shining, the leaves scuttling around all around me. It was early morning. I could see the men hammering away at the strong wood to make a million different pieces into one home. I could see people inside of their large metal skeletons driving to their destinations.

The wind was pushing against my skin and clothes, the ground was strong below my feet, not only because it was concrete but because I could feel the earth, I could feel it like a song playing through my body.

I closed my eyes and continued to walk. In the distance to my left I heard a muffled horn, which took me to a place. It was the horn of a boat in the harbor, I was walking down either a board walk or hard-packed dirt street, at a sea side carnival. The men that had been working on the houses, were now men working on different attractions that needed to be patched up. The wind still played its games among my hair, tossing it lightly, as the experience was tossing my soul. I could see the dimmed light through my eyelids that cast around me a calming older feel to the place. The place, just like in reality, didn’t feel small nor did it feel huge, it was infinity but in terms that I can understand. The place felt like a place to expand within and beyond, yet it also felt like it was within and beyond. I couldn’t see this small carnival town for I was walking with my eyes closed there as well as here. It didn’t feel like here and there, it felt like here, with the sounds and feelings making me experience something even further. It wasn’t an escape from reality, it was an enhancement. There were really no animals present but you could feel their presence in the world. All felt right and connected. It was pleasant to reflect on humans, and all of the emotions in the moment that were occurring. All was connected,there was no seperation, yet this did not make all things into the same thing.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Pied Piper a Lesson of Consequences (less rough draft)

In this tale the towns people go to their local government with a private complaint. There are too many rats in their town, and they demand that they have a right to entrust government with the responsibility to extricate all of the rats, or else they will surely replace those in the governmental positions. “[F]ind the remedy we're lacking, Or, sure as fate, we'll send you packing!". This dependency the peoples have on their government ultimately results in the destruction of private property, and is the result of a problem perceived to be too difficult for the freedom of the market to repair. This lack of trust in freedom, created an environment where a dependency could flourish, destroying innovation of new alternative cures to their rat infestation. (free market book quote on what the lack of trust in freedom creates)
While fretting over their inability to come up with a viable plan, the lofty council hears a knocking at the door. In walks a tall man, an entrepreneur who has heard of the opportunity to work. The Pied Piper says, “I chiefly use my charm On creatures that do people harm,” this does not insinuate that, because the creatures “do people harm,” he is willing to act out of charity, rather, the piper's intention is to trade the use of his service for money. He travels around the world ridding different locations of various creatures which hinder the societies progress. In order to be able to continue in his line of work, or towards new goals, he needs to be paid. What is seen here is his services are in demand, and of short supply, the piper desires an exchange. “If I can rid your town of rats Will you give me a thousand guilders?” The council is incredibly enthusiastic and exuberant, promising more than he's asked for, yet the piper humbly replies that all he wants is what he's asked for. Without writing down the agreement that has been made, the Piper leaves the building to go to work. The Pied Piper plays a short tune on his pipe and successfully leads the entire rat population, save one sturdy rat, to its doom in the river. All of the people of the town celebrate and the Piper makes his way to the Mayor to collect the due for his services. The mayor and his men shake at the knees, for they do not want to pay the Piper what it is that he pleases. The Mayor wonders why he should pay the piper more than fifty, for now that the problem is gone, the cost of fixing the problem seems to high, and so he attempts to dismiss his previous commitment.
“To pay this sum to a wandering fellow With a gypsy coat of red and yellow! […] We saw with our eyes the vermin sink, […] But, as for the guilders, what we spoke Of them, as you very well know, was in joke.”
The Piper should have gotten the agreement in writing so that he could be more certain that the Mayor would hold true to their contract. Here we see a destruction to society through the failure of holding true to a contract, something which government is supposed to enforce, and through the view that things can be done for free. Though things may seem to be free, what is not seen is the unintended consequences. For, all actions have consequences, whether apparent or hidden. As Bastiate says in his book, That Which is Seen, and That Which is Not Seen, “...the bad economist pursues a small present good, which will be followed by a great evil to come, while the true economist pursues a great good to come, - at the risk of a small present evil.” The Piper has places that he is supposed to be that evening, and is upset that he has been spindled of his part of the exchange. He says to the Mayor, “And folks who put me in a passion May find me pipe to another fashion.” The Mayor disregards the warning and instead insults him, unaware of the unintended consequences of his actions . The Piper steps, once again, into the street and begins to pipe a wonderful tune, this time it is not vermin that follow along after him, but all of the children of the town. All of the children feel an over whelming sense of joy and run unthinkingly after the Piper. “But how the Mayor was on the rack[...].” The Piper lead all the children into the side of the mountain “ As if a cavern was suddenly hollowed; And the Piper advanced and the children followed.” All of the children, save one lame boy who could not keep up with the rest were swallowed by the mountain. The boy feels sad because he wanted to go along with his playmates to the place, “Which the Piper also promised me; For he led us, he said, to a joyous land[...].” The Mayor sends people out everywhere to try and find the Piper, to offer him anything he wants, if only he will bring back all of the children. The Piper never comes back, nor do the children, yet many years later there is a strange town that claims that their parents were from a different land, that is all we know about what may have happened to the children. The tale ends with the narrator claiming, “[W]hether they pipe us free from rats or from mice, If we've promised them aught, let us keep our promise.”
The core issues this tale brings up is, that the Piper contracted with the government rather than with each individual, and the importance of keeping contracts. The costs and benefits are incurred by the common populace, for the government to be handling public services has been shown to be unwise. The peoples entrusted their government to be a true representative institution. Not only does the government's initial enthusiasm to hire the Piper lead it to proclaim its willingness to pay him fifty times the initial price proposal, but, its final disregard for the contract it made, the lack of foresight into the potential unintended consequences of its actions, lead to an even greater catastrophe, that of the loss of the town's children. This example is somewhat limited because the options for eliminating the rats are less explored, leaving the reader with no awareness of the multiple substitutes available. The principle we have discovered is that when the costs of something are to be incurred by an individual, it ought to be the individuals choice to agree or disagree to the proposed method of action. When a public service is provided for by a representative body, it is likely for the costs to be much higher than previously proclaimed, either in a direct monetary form, or through some other unintended consequence. In either scenario, the government's dealing in activities that are outside of its jurisdiction was more costly to the society of individuals. And, the use of government creates an environment that subjects each individual to the will of the majority. If, even one individual had found an alternative to using the government to solve their problem, they would still have had to pay for the use of the government service if unsuccessful in persuading the entire society to incure a more apparent cost. Thus, the Piper ought to have been privately contracted, as to make the costs and benefits clear, and as to put no one at the will of another.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Life, a short ditty I wrote inorder to share what's going on in my head

I suppose I must live as if I will be alive tomorrow, but also to know that time is scarce.

Perfectionism will kill you, this is just a step, it's not the ultimate project, it's a piece of it, yet- act as if you are making a choice, which you made wrongly the first time, go for your self-created goals. There isn't enough time to be perfect, because aiming for perfection will only put you off longer. Laugh harder, be joyful, don't fool yourself, because you'll know the truth anyways, you can't really convince yourself otherwise.

And when you die, is the day that you judge yourself with finality, judgment day is the day you look back at your life and say, “did I live authentically?” Maybe you are the ultimate judge, the decision maker, and even if you're not I think you should live as if you are- live meaningfully in your search for Truth, with hope and joy. Maybe judgment day can be a process of constant awareness, that of living in the moment with honesty. Be honest with yourself before death so that we can change before, instead of never changing and only reviewing at your death.

Live here with authenticity and compassion, it's all that actually matters, I think.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Misconception of the Day: Regarding Healthcare

Cuban Healthcare

This is an excerpt of the positive part of the 38 min. video- it still has a lot of good information.
Competition Improving US Healthcare

Until I have time to write something, watch those two short videos.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Misconception of the Day: Minimum Wage

Minimum Wages undermines the poor, and working nation, it doesn't support them (us).

Raising the cost of hiring someone, doesn't make people pay those that they've hired more, it makes them fire people. It's not out of cruelty, it's out of the need to be sustainable, would you make lemonade and sell it on the side of an extreemly hot road for no pay? your whole life?

It also means that a company if less likely to hire 8 people, but instead only hire 5, and give the work load of 8 to 5 (or less) - in order to cut costs, workers have to do more.

Think of self-serve gas pumps, not all that long ago, they wern't self serve, mostly high school kids would take the job for about 2 dollars an hour (which would equate to a bit more than that now that our monetary system is so inflated), and they could do homework at the same time, as well as recieve tips.

When the "minimum wage" was created, forcing businesses to pay their workers at least 5 dollars, those jobs were eliminated.

It's difficult for a teenager to find a job that works with their hours, most jobs want someone more experienced, even Whole Foods only highers at 18.

This is what the minimum wage has done, is doing, to our country.
It's a myth that it's helpful, it doesn't raise pay, it eliminates jobs.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Our Constitution

Our constitution was written with the knowledge that societies are evolutionary systems, and that the purpose of writing a constitution wasn't to dictate laws and customs but to devise a concise foundation that laws and customs could evolve within. A constitution provides all people with certain expectations of experience, being that Liberty, Order, and Justice are respected by all written and unwritten laws.

The role of our constitution is to uphold the principles of Liberty, Order, and Justice. These three ideals put into practice provide the most freedom and prosperity to those living within them. Our consitution calls for a limited decentralized government, that it is to protect the constitutional principles and not change them for light and transient causes, thus. an amendment can only be made by a majority of the nation. The individuals working within the government are to be accountable for their actions and represent the concerns of the nations individuals.

Liberty allows for individuals to pursue their own interests (their own ends) purposefully. Order calls for individuals to give up certain freedoms in order to come to a higher sense of freedom, where all individuals can pursue their own interests. Finally, justice which dictates that all are created equal and have the right to pursue their interests with equality, though this does not infer that all peoples plans will have equal results.

Lastly and most important, what is needed for a constitution to serve its purpose of protecting such foundational rights, and because our laws and customs are evolutionary rather than static, we each have an obligation to be fully aware of the constitution and act accordingly to preserve the principles of our nation.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Further on Peace

Peace is created through trade.
Trade is dependent upon freedom.
Freedom is dependent upon economic and political freedoms.
Economic and political freedoms are dependent upon which role the government chooses to take.
The role government chooses to take, ought to be dictated by individuals that understand the principles of liberty.

We need more rebels and less revolutionaries.
We need new change not a circle of the same with diffrent faces to blame.

We need globalization, open borders, ethical-concious- capitalism, governments that protect only our liberties, we need true private property, competition in money and "public services" we need to privitize thereby instituting private incintive.

Freedom of our Natural Rights (Freedom to move, to trade, to own property) is the strongest protection against serfdom, creates the most wealth (not only monetary or phyisical)for the society as a whole, and creates peace.

Governments "providing" education, health care, this new idea of carczar, these are all things that re-allocate resources, in other words, taking resources from where they were formerly for "the greater good". The resources I am speaking of here are, tax money, time of the individuals working in these instritutions, and the resources of the entire human that is developing/acting within the institution. The issue with this occurance cannot as easily be backed up from an humanirtarian point of view, so one must take up the words of Liberty and a strong understanding of "that which is not seen" -Bastiat.

Government provisions, slow societies progress, think of the railroads during the industrial revolution era, the government lines were set down poorly and needed millions of dollars to opperate. The private lines were incredibly efficient because the risk of failure and the costs of production were on an individual or smaller group of individuals.

We must ask our selves, how were cars created in the first place? Freedom of innovation in the industrial revolution.
Why are so many of our cars today big gas guzzlers? Because Government regulations have put high embargos on foreign trade in the market area of Cars. Which has created incorrect signals, through prices, to the car industry for the actual demand that the consumers had for more gas efficiant, dollar saving, vehicles.
Eastern cars have had the answers for years.

Think, how much has our public education, over all, progressed these last 200 years?

Look at the Health Care in almost any other location in the world, save maybe Hong Kong, for the answers as to why socialized medicines fail our peoples. Examples in video form: Free Market Cure

The old idea that war brings us out of a depression is along with the same fallasy, this idea that redistribution of resources is beneficial to society.
Why have we spent so much time working on prosthetic limbs as such a large scale? Because of war. Why haven't we, instead, spent that time and effort on curing cancer (because believe it or not we are quite close I do believe), and, there is a private scientist who is discovering if she hasn't already discovered ways to stop a virus's mechanism of communication- why have we not invested more there?
Well that brings up another idea, why is the government subsidizing medicines, why are the costs of medical care and pharmosuticals so high?

Markets are self-correcting, markets clear. Prices are not set by the supplier, prices are determined by demand and are a reflection of relative scarcity.

So those are few thoughts floating around in my head.
I've got other things I must go do now.
Hope it inspires some questions for you.


Peace Through Commerce